Hunters Home

Summer Sunrise and Sunsets Hunt 2013

(2nd Annual)

The Hunt is on!
July 20, 2013
For those hunters joining our Summer Sunrise and Sunsets Hunt group, there is a free mesh t-shirt. There are both female and male versions of the shirt. The shirt is located at the first location in the hunt. So head over to the HINT PAGE, and click on the slurl to get to Emmalena Damour's Art Gallery, or copy and paste it into your game viewer local chat hit enter then click on the link.
Some of the stores have a language barrier, so all things are not as they should be. M&M Style has the gift out, but the poster does not have the group join nor is there a hint anywhere in the store. The only place you see a hint is here in the blog.
Have a great hunt!
I just wanted to update all the hunters. We have 50 locations set up. These stores and galleries are in the process of getting the final touches to your gifts and the hunt will be ready to start on
July 16, 2013
Bring your smile and your eyes and enjoy the weather in this spectacular hunt. I am so proud of the gifts that will be given in this hunt. Many of the creators did such a wonderful job.

The Summer sunrise and sunset hunt will be starting in July! We hope you can make it. While you are there, please look around at some of the other items in each store and Gallery. 2013 Summer S&S Hunt 2


Below are the stores in our hunt.

Emmalena Damour's Art Gallery
FashionNatic 3S Creations
Frame By Frame Main Store Evaki Kabuki Creations
Spank Me PrimTique Bran Bastet Altair Designs
CM Gretsch Original Art BrassieLasie @ The Butterfly Club and Mall Shoenique Designs
Tree House Treasures Artic Storm M&M Styles
Out Of The Trunk Driftwood Gallery unVeiled Gallery
Frame By Frame@Tiki Paradise Miss Jewell BrassieLasie Main Store
Darkline Syl's Addicted SL Fashion Lok's Low Prim Furniture
Aniri's Boutique Emma's Frame Shop Potpourri Designs
Hearth & Home Dreamscape Wedding Design SANNA-SCIENCE and ART
VISIONS GALLERY Bayview Market unVeiled Design & Build
Jovi's Unique Creations {simply magik} Stitches Creations
Crush Boutique .:UR:. Sandreen's Fashion
Rosengarten Angelwood Bay Arts Center Lyrical B!zarre Templates
Plum Wine and Piffle Galleries Nomiki's Creations *Wishful Thinking*
! Beautiful Dangerous ! ~*Sweet Revolutions*~ West Coast Influenced
The French Lick SOMA School of Design Come and Join us for some fun, some wonderful prizes, and some friendship.
These wonderful creators have made some beautiful prizes for your use.
Show your appreciation!


First Annual Summer Sunrise and Sunsets Hunt 2012

Thank you all for the visits to our stores. The location owners, are pleased that you have chosen to visit their stores. The hunt has been active for 10 days now and shows signs of daily growth. There has been over 936 views to the blog, since the hunt started. That is really good and I thank the hunt blogs that have promoted us, SL Hunts, Hunts of SL and One stop Hunts see right hand sidebar for links. One sure thing is that I am on a learning curve, I have actually just today added a script to my 2 gift orbs. The script is one that gives the gift an lm and any other contents, it puts a hint in local chat for the next location, and it counts the people that actually touched the orb to get the gift! I researched for several days to find the scripting to add. (Novice scripter here) Someone gave me a script in secondlife commerce group, that didn't work. So I did more research and came up with a script that will count the touches, and show with hover text how many have visited. I incorporated that script into the one I had to give the gifts, LM, and tell hint in chat so all is in one script. I may sell that script! Make a few Linden off of it.

The Hunt is off to a good start. I am really glad that so many people have checked out the blog and come on through to the Hunt. I have even received some great IM s from some of the hunters. 

Well Ladies and Gentlemen start your hunt! LOL I am having fun with this and I hope you do too!
Things are going well I have checked every store over the last couple of days and all are ready but 2 of them. They should be ready very soon though. If you need anything or have any questions please join the hunt group and use the group chat. Group Key is below just copy and paste it into your local chat in world, and then follow the  key to the group page. It is open enrollment so please join.
Here is where you will find the locations their SLurl  and hunt hints.
Locations and hints

Hunters welcome to the Summer Sunrise and Summer Hunt.I have been looking forward to this hunt. This is my first attempt at putting a hunt on so if you have any suggestions for me while hunting please feel free to Im me inworld or to send me an email. There is a group for the hunt, the vendor group will revert to the hunt group on the 13th. So if you are interested in being in the group, please copy and paste the following into local chat and click on enter.This allows you to see the group and join it.
Group Key is:    secondlife:///app/group/5f576ee9-7808-97b3-d3aa-ff5e82170ded/about

  The Hunt starts on July 15th and ends August 15th. This will be an annual hunt. So look forward to this hunt next year as well. I will update this as we go along and there will be a location list with the Slurl and the hint of each location. Happy Hunting and good luck!

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